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Our Story

Our Story

Founded in 2020, ASpectrum was quite literally born at our family’s kitchen table as my son Julien and I realized we were both at critical crossroads in our careers.

I’d been working for over a decade in the labour market sector, developing and supporting employment programs for People With Disabilities and had been diagnosed with my own invisible disability. I was beyond frustrated by my experience with the current employment model and how it often inadvertently created barriers for those most in need of support. I often felt I was working in support of Team Problem instead of Team Solution.

Julien had recently graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology & Sociology. He had greatly benefitted from accessing accommodations to support his Neurodiversity.
After graduating, he was anxious as to how he would transition into meaningful, supported employment.
How would he succeed if the real world didn’t prioritize accommodations and support needs the way that school had?

My youngest daughter, who is on the spectrum, was having a frustrating time accessing the supports she needed, and was entitled to, through the Toronto Secondary School system

After much thought and many ‘kitchen table convos’ about what we had each experienced the gaps to be, we agreed that we could actually ‘be the change we seek to see in the world’.

We took a leap of faith together and we launched ASpectrum.

I’ve always firmly believed that when you take that leap, the universe rises up to meet you.

ASpectrum quickly took on a life of its own. It was embraced by the employment services community as a much-needed resource and by Neurodivergent folks hoping to find career opportunities that embraced their uniqueness and invested in their value.

We developed a team of employment integration coaches from varying educational and professional backgrounds, but most importantly, all have lived experience with Neurodiversity or identify as Neurodivergent.

This ingredient was a critical qualifier for us because our coaches offered a unique perspective that only they could provide, with advocacy for inclusion being the core foundation block.

To date, our coaches have supported hundreds of people to connect with and maintain meaningful, rewarding, competitive employment and have provided employers with tools on how to become truly authentic in their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion mandates.

ASpectrum has participated in research projects to document the specific value integration coaching brings to employment models and has developed strong community partnerships with universities, hospitals, corporations and community groups. We have shared our vision and mandate with MPPs, MPs and Ontario’s Premier. We seek systemic change.

By 2030, ASpectrum will be on track to support 10,000 Neurodivergent people in their career paths.

Building something as integral and impactful as ASpectrum, with my son, and the immense support of our family and the backing of our community has become one of my life’s most fulfilling professional experiences. I’m deeply grateful for what we’ve accomplished and excited for what’s to come.

– Karen Clarke, Founder & CEO of ASpectrum